Friday, October 17, 2008

Weekend Plans

Weekends seem to go by so quickly, regardless of plans or activities. Maybe when we get everything more settled our weekends will be more fun.

We get to spend our Saturday morning at the DMV getting our new drivers license. I guess it's a blessing that the DMV is open on Saturdays. Maybe if we get there early enough there won't be that many people.

If we were still in Memphis, we would be participating in Memphis Madness tonight. I told Jeremy that he should feel free to drive 12 hours back there to watch, but he declined. I suppose 12 hours is really too far to drive on a whim.

It's starting to cool down here, inspiring me to want to cook more. Our kitchen is still such a mess though that I'm not sure I could actually cook the way I want. We recently ordered a potrack that we think will work well for us, but it won't get here for another 2 weeks. I think my goal this weekend will be to try to get the kitchen into a workable form so that I can at least contemplate cooking again. It's going to be hard though now that our kitchen is actually about half the size of our old one. I cannot imagine how I dealt with a kitchen that small in my studio apartment.

There is a Memphis football game on Saturday that we will watch provided the DMV doesn't take up all of our time. It should be a fun game, but it will be the first game we watch through the SlingBox. Hopefully it will be better quality than the Memphis vs. Houston game we watched via that was actually the Shanghai stream, Chinese announcers and all.

We don't have any plans as of yet for Sunday. Maybe this lack of activity will give us just enough time to finish what we need to around the apartment and actually rest up to tackle the coming work week.

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