Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Who We Are

Ever since Jeremy and I graduated, our lives have become less stressful. Sure it was stressful moving so far away, and the job hunt has been somewhat stressful for the both of us. However, since we've moved here and settled in, we seem to laugh more and enjoy each others' company more.

Last night, we went for a walk on the walking trail that runs behind our apartments. It was nice and chilly outside, and we got to break in our new winter boots a little. Along the way, we had about a half a dozen bunny sitings. We're sure it wasn't the same bunny because that would've been a really fast bunny to get everywhere we were at that quickly. I want to put out food just to see if we can get the bunnies to eat it, but I don't want to personally feed the entire rabbit population of Pittsburgh. It feels kind of like home though with all the bunnies around because growing up, we had a bunch of wild bunnies living in the fields by our house. This means though that Bob the coffee plant will never be moving outside on our porch.

After our stroll, I asked Jeremy to play the movie The Longest Day. He had just put it on his AppleTV, and I wanted to watch it since today is Veteran's Day. While he was copying files, he announced that he was sorry for the delay in the feature presentation but please visit the concession stand while the movie was loading. He said that all he could think of while we were waiting was the nature scenes they play at the drive-in. It was hilarious.

This morning, Jeremy woke up with a migraine, which doesn't bode well for his interview at noon. However, even with him not feeling well, he still went all the way out to Ikea to purchase our new dining room table. He did get to have a free breakfast there as well.

For the most part, we lead fairly ordinary/boring lives. We don't go out and party a lot, and we tend to like to spend time with each other. I think we really enjoy each others' company, and I wouldn't change it.

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