Thursday, January 15, 2009


My parents' 30th wedding anniversary is next Tuesday. While it is not unusual for people to be married that long, in today's society where more people are getting divorced than staying together, it is quite an accomplishment. While I've never thought much about my parents' anniversary other than a phone call, we've decided to actually give them a present this year.

Thirty years seems like a long time to me, although this just means that I actually turn 30 next year which is a scary thought. I cannot believe that my 20's flew by so quickly. Next year will be a funny time for me. Not only will I turn 30, Jeremy and I will have officially been together for 10 years. Granted, we'd only be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary, but it's hard to believe that we've been together so long. I joke that we should just celebrate how long we've been together because it's a more impressive number, but if you think about it, I would have known Jeremy for a third of my life. I really can't even wrap my brain around that.

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