Wednesday, January 7, 2009

For the Birds

Jeremy and I are trying to carpool in the mornings and we're still trying to work out the evenings. All I can say is, 5:30 am is still dark, not very pretty and for the birds (although Jeremy says that birds aren't even up that early). I feel like we are two very old people in that we have to go to bed fairly early now in order to wake up in time. I'm getting to work between 7:30 and 8:00 am so Jeremy can get to his work by 9. It's not a bad arrangement if not for the fact that we are now getting up at an hour when really, no normal human being gets up. This puts us in a position where we feel like we need to start our getting ready for bed routine at like 9:00 just so we're in bed by 10:30.

He gets off work at around 5:30 while I can really leave whenever. I usually stay until 5:00, so unless I want to stay an extra hour, I take the bus home. I realized that public transportation is really not for me. While I don't really want to drive to work everyday and pay for parking, I like the whole driving straight home from work. It's not too bad as there's a bus that runs directly from work to across from where we live, but it's still not something I'm used to.

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